list of goal monitor numbers

big thanks to reflet @ yabiko and shaina @ kizmet for compiling lists of goal numbers and their corresponding goals!

below are the goal numbers in P3-P5 and which goal they correspond to (if you have more information on behaviors with unknown descriptions, please let me know!)

P3# P4# P5# Goal Description
0 0 0 GoalActNeglected neglected pet behavior when bringing a neglected pet out of the door
1 1 1 GoalAdoptionKitFaceoff react to pet at the door asking to come out
2 2 2 GoalAdultAndChildTogether adult and child pet interactions, such as the "copying" interactions
3 3 3 GoalAffectionToCursor licking/nuzzling the cursor (or sometimes trying to jump and grab the cursor)
4 4 4 GoalBattEyes bat eyes at screen
5 5 5 GoalBeOnLedge jump onto ledge and sit
6 6 6 GoalBondWithBuddy playful "buddy" interactions such as hopping, dancing, and doing flips towards each other
7 7 7 GoalBringSpriteToSprite bring toy to another pet (different from gift interaction)
8 8 8 GoalBringToyInShame unknown? sounds like a dog behavior?
9 9 9 GoalBurySprite dig a hole and bury a toy (or, rarely, another pet)
10 10 10 GoalCarryPet pick up and carry another pet
11 11 11 GoalCatFight tackle and fight with another cat (catz only)
12 12 12 GoalCatNap take a nap, regardless of energy level (catz only)
13 13 13 GoalChaseFlirt the "chase" part of the flirty chase game
14 14 14 GoalChaseSprite chase around another pet
15 15 15 GoalChewOnSprite capture toy/mouse/pet and chew on it
16 16 16 GoalCircleTogether circle each other (flirty)
17 17 17 GoalClimbWall climb the wall in the playpen
18 18 18 GoalClothed react to being clothed (used for both petz who like and dislike clothes)
19 19 19 GoalComfortPet child pet becomes sad, adult pet walks over to them, and they feel reassured
20 20 20 GoalDealWithEnemy act aggressive towards enemy pet
21 N/A
GoalDefendMe unknown?
22 22 21 GoalDefendToy unknown? (might relate to PlanGuardSprite?)
23 23 22 GoalDigUpSprite dig up a toy
24 24 23 GoalEat eat something (used for both eating things whole like with treats and eating/drinking from food bowls)
25 25 24 GoalEmotional emotional responses such as responding to another pet being put away, jealousy at another pet being petted, camera reactions, etc.
26 26 25 GoalEnterPetDoor go back into the carrying case
27 26 GoalExploreOceanWaves unknown? (dogz?)
28 28 27 GoalFierceInfant angry about cursor/another pet being near baby
29 29 28 GoalFollowSprite follow the cursor or another pet, or go close to a toy
30 30 29 GoalGiveGiftSolo bring a toy to the cursor as a gift
31 31 30 GoalGivingGiftsTogether interaction where one pet brings another a gift, and the other pet acts happy, then brings a gift in return if one is available, causing the other pet to also act happy
32 32 31 GoalGoToOpenFullscreenArea unknown?
33 33 32 GoalGravityGame pick up a toy, bring it onto a ledge, then drop/throw it (catz only?)
34 34 33 GoalGreetPet meet another pet for the first time
35 36 35 GoalGoToSprite move close to the cursor or a pet/toy/utility sprite
36 35 34 GoalGreetNewSpecies meet a pet of a different species for the first time
37 37
36 GoalGreetUser "out the door" responses
38 38 37 GoalGroom groom self
39 39 38 GoalGroomCapturedSprite lick captured toy/mouse (or rarely, another pet)
40 40 39 GoalGroomOther groom another pet (mate or during adult+child pet interactions)
41 41 40 GoalHairball cough up a hairball (catz only)
42 42 41 GoalHoardSprites pick up a toy (or other pet?) and bring it to a random area to "hoard" it (may guard this area afterwards and tackle other petz if they try to take from the hoard)
43 44 43 GoalIdle stand around and do idle animations for a moment
44 45 44 GoalIdleWithPet "neutral" relationship interactions with other petz (singing, sniffing, poking, coughing, etc.)
45 46 45 GoalInBasket inside the basket
46 47 46 GoalInsanity high insanity response to being sprayed/splashed/startled/etc.
47 48 47 GoalInvestigateSprite react to a new toy or a mouse for the first time
48 50 49 GoalLickNoses flirty licking
49 51 50 GoalLonely cry when user is idle for too long
50 52 51 GoalLookAroundAtToys look around the room at toyz (may cause more toy-related goals to be placed in the goal list?)
51 53 52 GoalLookAtLover stare lovingly at mate
52 54 53 GoalLoveEyes sit and stare lovingly at each other
53 55 54 GoalLureMouse unknown? (sounds interesting?)
54 56 55 GoalMarkTerritory sniff around at the ground (may have other effects?)
55 57 56 GoalMate breed naturally
56 58 57 GoalMetascript variety of behaviors that don't fit under another goal
57 59 58 GoalMothering be motherly to baby
58 60 59 GoalMotheringGroom groom baby
59 61 60 GoalMountSprite unknown?
60 62 61 GoalNaughty do naughtiness behaviors
61 63 62 GoalNesting unknown?
62 64 63 GoalNewbornWriggle wriggle around (baby)
63 65 64 GoalNipAtPet nip at another pet (dogz only)
64 66 65 GoalNudged be nudged or tripped over by another pet
65 67 66 GoalNurse nurse baby
66 68 67 GoalPainted react to being painted
67 69 68 GoalPause do nothing momentarily
68 70 69 GoalPlayFetch pick up toy and bring to cursor to play fetch
69 71 70 GoalPlayWithSprite play with a toy/mouse (or rarely, another pet)
70 72 71 GoalPostMating after-breeding behaviors
71 73 72 GoalPropUsed unknown?
72 74 73 GoalPushWithNose nudge toy or other pet with nose
73 75 74 GoalPutToBed place baby on pillow
74 78 77 GoalRideOnSprite ride on a toy
75 79 78 GoalRollOnGround roll around in "rollable" scene
76 80 79 GoalRunAround run around aimlessly
77 81 80 GoalRunAwayFlirt the "run away" part of the flirty chase game
78 82 81 GoalRunAwayFromSprite run away scared from toy/mouse/other pet
79 83 82
GoalScarePet sneak up behind another pet and scare them
80 84 83 GoalSharpenClawsOnSprite scratch carrying case/wall (catz only) (this goal only works with toyz it's intended for if they have a ledge set in the toy file)
81 85 84 GoalShowOff unknown?
82 86 85 GoalSinkDrink drink from the kitchen faucet
83 87 86 GoalSleep knead/circle/etc. sleepily, then go to sleep
84 88 87 GoalSleepTogether sleep with another pet
85 89 88 GoalSleepWalk sleepwalking (dogz only)
86 90 89 GoalSniffPet flirty sniffing/nuzzling/licking
87 91 90 GoalSniffSprite sniff toy/mouse/etc.
88 92 91 GoalSnubSprite turn nose up at toy/mouse/pet
89 93 92 GoalSprayed react to being sprayed
90 94 93 GoalSpraySprite pick up spray bottle and try to spray enemy pet with it
91 95 94 GoalSSBringProp unknown?
92 96 95 GoalSSIdle unknown?
93 97 96 GoalStalkAttackSprite stalk and pounce on toy/mouse (or rarely, another pet) to capture it
94 98 97 GoalStealToy steal a toy from another pet (dogz only)
95 99 98 GoalSuckleSprite suckle on a toy (bottle) or a pet (for babies)
96 100 99 GoalSunYourself sunbathe on beach
97 101 100 GoalSwitchSprite unknown?
98 102 101 GoalTossSpriteWithPet toss toy back and forth (dogz only)
99 103 102 GoalTrainTricks trick training with treats
100 104 103 GoalTugOnSprite tug of war (dogz only)
101 106 104 GoalWatchClouds watch clouds on beach playscene
102 107 105 GoalWatchObject watch playscene object
103 108 106 GoalWrestlePet tackle and wrestle with another pet
N/A 43 42 hostPassThrough host passing through travel playscene
N/A 49 48 jumpThroughHoop jump through a hoop toy
N/A 76 75 reactToSound react to ViaVoice
N/A 77 76 reactToYesNo react to yes/no (ViaVoice)
N/A 105 N/A voiceBringSprite bring a toy in response to voice command (ViaVoice)
(hi out there!)